This is Nigella's recipe:
60g butter
200g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
150g caster sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
juice & finely chopped zest of 1 lemon
approx 120ml milk
1 large egg
150g raspberries
12 bun muffin tray lined with paper cases
Preheat oven to 200c. Melt the butter & set aside to cool. Stir together in a large bowl, the flour, baking powder, bicarb, sugar, salt & zest. In a measuring jug, pour in the lemon juice, then enough milk to come up to the 200ml mark, then beat in the egg & butter. Pour into the dry ingredients & stir briefly, the batter should scarcely be combined. Fold in the raspberries, spoon the mixture into the muffin cases & bake for about 25 minutes. When cooked, the tops should spring back to your touch. Leave in the pan for 5 minutes to cool slightly, then sit them on a rack to cool for a further 10-15 minutes. Makes 12.
We didn't have any bicarbonate of soda, so we subsituted this for more baking powder. Or lemons, so we just went without.
Nigella claims this recipe makes 12, but I think that's a bit ambitious. We managed 8 out of this quantity of batter.
Here they are:
Lovely as these were, we thought that they need that little bit extra, a little lift. So we made Rosewater Butter Icing to crown them. This was really simple - just butter and icing sugar whisked together with 2tbsp of rosewater and 2tbsp of double cream. These were finally adorned with a little raspberry peak.
These little beauties filled me with such pride, I was literally nearly overwhelmed. Jaimie suggested we make some more, I didn't hesitate. Not one bit.
We'd used up all the raspberries, but had some 70% cocao chocolate in the fridge. Jaimie smashed this to pieces and we folded it into the same batter mix.
They came out like this:
I think they may have been a little overdone, but they were still lovely. My pride had been stoked no end.
Happy as larry. I thought I'd treat Noe as I had (kind of) stood her up at the weekend. I think she was pleased, I gave her one of the extra special rosewater iced raspberry muffins.
We're off to the Good Food Live show at Earls Court on Sunday, so I presume there will be much to report on the subject.
Until then.
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