Friday, January 22, 2010

Sister Sledge Recipe Book

We created a food-zine to give away at our Christmas fete last month. Designed by the lovely Joe Coppard, it pulled together a selection of the recipes from the day from The Sisters Burn (me and Hannah), the Men's Institute (James, Jaimie & Matthew) and Marcie's Christmas Cobbler, which was most certainly one of the star attractions of the day.

Here it is. If anyone tries these out, please let me know how they turn out. Or if anyone wants a copy of it, just email me and I'll pop it in the post to you.

Erm... Restaurant. FAIL.

Having booked to start the ABC restaurant adventure at the lovely Antonio's in Islington, we turned up keen and ready to be fed. I'd printed a map, we were on our way. But sadly, no cigar.
Despite having received this email confirming my reservation (see below) it turns out that ANTONIO'S DOESN'T EXIST!

So, let's try again.